What is the Difference between acupressure and reflexology?
In acupressure, pressure is given on hands and feet as well as on acupuncture points and on meridian lines covering the whole body.
According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, our body consists of a giant web called the meridian system linking different parts together; its channels making up a comprehensive yet complex body map that supplies qi (vital energy) to every part of the body, assists the distribution of blood and body fluids, maintains the balance between yin and yang elements, and protects the body against disease.
Along these channels, acupoints are the sites through which the qi of the organs and meridians is transported to the body surface. It is generally believed that diseases can be treated when the affected meridians or the affected organs are cleared. Acupuncturists work on these points to regulate corresponding organs or meridians so that the body can return to a state of balance and health.
Acupressure utilizes the same approach of acu-points that are found on the skin and are especially sensitive to bio-electrical impulse in the body and conduct those impulses readily. Acupressure is a kind of oriental massage therapy in which fingers are pressed on particular acu-points of the body in methodical way to ease aches, pains, tension, fatigue and other symptoms of disease.
People use acupressure for all kinds of reasons and they may want to get relief from specific ailments ranging from acute to more chronic, from physical to emotional. They may present structural problems such as bad necks, backs or poor posture, as well as conditions like menstrual difficulties, skin disorders, digestive problems and migraines or with more psychological issues such as depression or stress.
Reflexology is based on similar ideas of acupuncture, in which there are energy lines linking the hands and feet to various parts of the body. These are longitudinal lines of energy running through the body from feet to the brain it is also called Zone Therapy. In the west it is called Reflexology.
In Reflexology the meridian lines are different than in acupuncture channels, however it is quite evident that the method obviously has its origin in ancient Chinese therapy. There is strong connection between acupuncture, acupressure and reflexology. They are based on similar ideas. Even the concept of Hijama is based on similar ideas, in Hijama however back points are mostly used since they are easy for the cupping method.
There are more similar methods like Shiatsu massage therapy, burning the body surface at particular spots, placing magnets or crystals at different points, and so on are based on similar ideas, all can be considered meridian therapy, the basic purpose of which is to balance the Qi or Chi whether using acupuncture channel points or meridians, or reflexology points in the hands and feet.
In reflexology the whole body can be treated by working on the reflex areas in the hands and feet.
Simple objects can be used to apply constant pressure when required; such as clothes pegs, metal combs, elastic bands and metal probes, even a pencil or pen can be used to apply pressure to lines in the hands and feet that would then affect the same zone throughout the body.
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